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PageTwa ........ C;THOEIC HORTHWEST- PROGRESS - Friday, June27,]9:47
[. Margaret Shelton
YAKIMA N EWS Weds Leo Kushner
By Mrs. Roy Fountaine--Phone 3061 At St. Paul Church II
YAKIMA.--Miss Margaret Mae
Peter ff T{} Shelton, daughter of Mr. and:
Mrs. Sandy S. Shelton of Yakima
NuptialslnWapat° SAY FIRST MASS IN [became thebrideofLeoKushner,
i son of Mr. and Mrs. John Kushner
I Paul's Church on Wednesday, June
'WAPATO.--Miss Fay Harriett HOME PARISH HERE [ °f Kent at a nupual Mass in st"
Peterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1,18. The double-ring ceremony was
V'iiam Peterson of Yakima be- read by Rex,. Father Thomas J.
came the bride of John L. Trudeau,
son of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Tru-
deau of Wapato at a nuptial Mass
in .St. Peter's Church in Wapato
on. Monday, June 16. The cere-
mony was read by Rev. Father
Peter Ryan.
']pIiss Barbara Hunsberger was
maid of honor and the bridesmaids
wLre Miss Bette Prasch, Mrs. Nor-
man Wyatt, sister of the bride,
Miss Joyce McCoy and Miss Me,
ran. Trudeau. Little Linda Huns-
berger was the flower girl.* Joseph
Favilla was best man and the ush-
s were Henry Sudmeier, John
Lancaster of Spokane, Beriah
Brown and Norman Wyatt of Kan-
-A reception followed in the par-
ish hall. Pouring were Mrs. Mary
Louise Desserault and Mrs.
Charles Chambers. Mrs. Hugh Gen-
d.r0n cut the wedding cake. Serv-
ing were Miss Judy Smithwick,
Mism Mary Jane Trudeau, Miss
Dalhne Trudeau, Miss Mary Fe-
rtile and Miss Joan BaChmier. The
guest book was passed by Mrs.
Glenn Peterson and Mrs. Paul Sut-
pin and her daughter, Joan, had
charge of the gifts. A wedding
breakfast followed in the Donnel-
ly hotel.
. Mr. and Mrs. Trudeau will make
their home in Wapato. Mrs. Tru-
deau is a graduate of Yakima sen-
ior high school and the bride-
groom attended Gonzaga univer-
sity after his graduation from
White Swan high school.
Tom McGinnis Elected
Serra Club President
YAKIMA. -- Tom S. McGinnis
was elected president of the Yaki-
ma Serra club, succeeding Paul C.
Meyer, who was president for the
past six months.
• Other officers named at the brief
business session on Tpesday, June
24, in the Golden Wheel are: First
vlce president and program chair-
man, F. Ken. Courtney; second vice
president, tester J. Schwaegler..
Louise Massong Is
YAIMA.--Ziss Louise Massong,
daughter of Max Massong became
the bride of Guy Pelham Harris,
son of Mrs. Butt L. ttarris of
Yakima at a nuptial Mass in St.
Paul's Church on Saturday, June
21, The double-ring ceremony was
performed by Rev. Father Thomas
J: Pitsch.
:Miss Helen Hazen was maid .of
honor. Other bridal attendants
were Miss Beverly Arndt, Miss
Claire Stanyar, Mrs. Rite Segnan,
and Miss Virginia Aluni of Min-
neapolis. Little Sarita Coffin was
flower girl.
The best man 'was Jack Arndt
and the ushers were Hal Hamper,
Harvey Warninger, and Fred and
George Massong, 'brothers of the
A reception followed in the Wo-
man's Century clubhouse. Mr. and
Mrs: Harris left by plane for Spo-
l;ane. After a honeymoon at Lake
Louise, Alta., they will return to
make their home in Yakima.
Maxine Simpkins Is
Bride Of E. Tomisser
YAKIMA.--Miss Maxine Simp-
kins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F.
J. Simpkins became the bride of
Edward Tomisser, son of Mrs.
Anna. Tomisser of Yakima, at a
nutial Mass in St. Paul Church on
Saturday. The double-ring cere-
mony was performed by Rev. The-
odore P. Sullivan.
Mrs. Darrel Robertson was ma-
tron of honor and Mr. Darrel Rob-
ertson was the best man. Ushers
W.e:Everett Simpkins and Rob-
ert Tomisser.
A reception was held in the
• Broadway Grange Hall. Mrs. Frank
Tomisser and Mrs. Grant Phiefer
poured and Mrs. Jack Barker cut
the wedding cake. Mrs. Charles
Tomisser and Mrs. Jack Agopso-
wicz had charge of the guest book:
Friends and relatives attended a
wedding dance in the evening at
the grange all. .Following a
honeymoon trip to Oregon the
couple will reside in Yakima.
Gregory Q. Roth
Phone 4013
508 :No. 6th St. Y
BENOIT'S Sea Foods
Phone 9551 yaklma
If It's Fish We Have It
YAICIMA Y'ne Rev. William N.
Bischoff, S.J., who was ordained
June 16 by Archbishop Mitty in
San Francisco, will say his first
solemn Mass in his home parish,
St. Joseph Church here, at 11 a.m.
Sunday, June 29.
Father Bischoff was born in
Yakima and was educated by the
Sisters of Charity of Providence
and the Jesuit Fathers at Mar-
quette grade and high school. In
1933 he entered the Society/ of
Jesus at the novitiate of St. Fran-
cis Xavier in Sheridan, Oregon. He
received his M.A. degree from
Mount St. Michael, 'Spokane, in
1940. During 1940-42 he was in-
structor in history at Gonzaa
He matriculated at Loyala Uni-
versity as , graduate fellow in
history in 1942, and did extensive
research work at St. Louis Uni-
versity, Yale, and the National
Archives, Washington, D. C.
:Father Bischoff is a member of
Delta Epsilon Sigma, the National
Catholic Honor Society, and ,an
honorary member of the Eugene
Field society, a national associa-
tion of authors and journalists.
Father Bischoff's "The" Jesuits in
Old Oregon," a work on a hitherto
unwritten phase of Northwest his-
tory, was published in 1945. He has
contributed ,also to various na-
tional and regional periodicals.
Many relatives of Father: Bis-
chaff, including his mother, Mrs.
Mary Bischoff of Yakima, attend-
ed the ordination ceremony. A
brother, the Rev. A. AnthonY Bis-
Miss Theresa Shelton, sister of
the bride, was maid of honor.
Bridesmaids were Miss Shirley
Shelton and Mrs. tester Robel
sisters of the bride and Mrs. Tony
.Skya, sister of the groom.
The best man was Georeg Kush-
ner, brother of the bridegroom.
The ushers were Tony Skya, Les-
ter Robel and Don Durbon.
A reception and dinner were held
at Gasperaetti's for relatives and
friends. Mrs. J. A. Cloyd served
the three-tiered wedding cake. Out
lot town guests were Mrand Mrs.
John • Kushner of Kent, Mr. and
Mrs. George Kushner of Portland
and Mr. and Mrs. John Skya of
The bride is .a graduate of St.
Joseph Academy and also grad-
uate of St. Elizabeth's school of
Nursing. The bridegroom attend-
ed W. S. C. and at present is the
pharmacist in S t. Elizabeth's hos-
After a honeymoon to Lake
Louise, Alta., Mr. and Mrs. Kush-
ner will reside in Yakima.
Twins Wed Brothers
In Double Ceremony
YAKL-A--T'he twin daughters
of Mrs. Esther La Cross of Yaki-
ma became the brides of brothers
,at a double wedding ceremony in
St. Paul's Church. Miss Estelle
Gardiner became the bride of Don-
ald A.man, and her sister Elna be-
came the bride of Melvin Amen.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Amen are
the parents of .the brothers. Rev.
Father Thomas A. Edwards read
the nuptial Mass. !
The brides chose identical gowns i
of white slipper satin with finger-I
tip veils that fell from sweet- I
heart crowns. Each carried a:
colonial shower bouquet of roses
surrounded by sweetpeas ahd baby
breath. Miss Glennys Montgomery
and Miss Patricia Sanders were
maids of honor in identical blue
net dresses with sweetheart bon-
nets. Bridesmaids were Miss Dana
Knopp and Miss Elsie Day. Miss
Kathy Knopp was the flower girl.
W'illiam Andering and Robert
Pothier were best men and the
ushers were Leslie Morin and
Chris Aman.
A reception and dance were held
on Saturday night in the Fruit-
vale grange hall.
chaff, S.J., was unable to come I !! l , /
from England where he is doing I,Uella Latenaresse
research at Oxford University. 11r / A it v |" /
Assisting Father Bischoff at I .eos/IU a. ravllcg
the Mass will be the Rev. Ralph ----
V. Sudmeier, S.J., master of cere-I YAKIMA.--Miss Luella Laten--
drease, daughter of Mr and Mrs
nonies; Rev. Francis Lindekugel, -: .
~ --,-, --:^-, ,^.. -.-- IFrank. Latendresse became the
.d., asslttztc pz*uc; 'v. r-,uwv.xu I
.............. }bride of Anthony J Pavlick, son
inueKugel, 5.J., oeacon, a,u .uv.
John C. Hanses, S.J., subdeacon.
The Rev. Joseph McDonnell, S.J.,
of Gonzaga will deliver the
Births At Yakima
}of Mrs. John Pavlick of Yakima at
a nuptial Mass in St. Joseph
Church on Monday, June 16. The
double-ring ceremony was read by[
Rev. Father Francis J. Schoen-[
berg, S.J. " I
Maid of honor was Miss Julianna I
Pavlick, sister of the bridegroom.
Miss Betty Latendresse, sister of
the bride, was ,bridesmaid. Ray ]
T. Latendresse, brother of the I
bride, was the best man. Vern
2hartier also attended the bride-
groom. Stanley Garceau and Nor-
man Cyr, Jr., were ushers.
FOllowing the ceremony, a wed-
ding breakfast was held in the
Donnelly hotel for the attendants
and members of the immediate
families. Miss Lucille Latendresse,
sister of the bride, cut the wedding
cake, while Mrs. Ray Latendresse
had charge of the guest book. Af-
ter a short wedding trip to Idaho,
the couple will make their home
in Yakima.
YAKIMA. -- St. Elizabeth's hos-
pital announces the following
To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greer,
a girl, June 17.
To Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Fowler,
a girl, June 18.
To Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kohls, !
a boy, June 18.
To Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. For-
tier, a girl, June 18.
To Mr. and Mrs. James Spears,
a boy, June 18.
To Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Schaefer
a boy, June 19.
To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maser,
a girl, June 20.
To Mr. and Mrs. Halpin Max-
well, a girl, June 22.
To Mr__ and __Mrs John Roller, a John Plnkerton" Heads
oy, une . Fourth Degree g. Of C.
I Jt " " rid ". q YAKY/VIA.--John Pinkerton was
ra[rlcla Denolt 1o elected faithful navigator of the
3iT ] ill IF* "J!Joseph Caruana Assembly of the
.e.r. ITlClklarmlOiFourth Degree of the Knights of
YAK,A _.._ . Columbus at a meeting in the Com-
Benoit aVnn'-n "r" ana^_.rs: yam mercia 1 hotel on Wednesday, June
on ce the ,,, - e d
din of their dauhte - ^*--'--'- * 18. He succ e s George Corbett
o --. ..... :.; ,, =.L,, who presided at this meeting
Freder,u rL ct,armla, son oI
Mrs. O. J. Thompson of San Fran- Other officers elected were
cisco, Cal. The nuptial mass will
take place at 10 o'clock on June 28
in St. Paul's Church.
Miss Benoit is a graduate of St.
Joseph Academy in Yakima and
bas attended both Dominican col-
lege at San Rafael, Cal., and the
University of California at Berk-
eley, where she has been for the
ast two years.
'Do" and "Mose"
George Brock as faithful comptrol
ler, Ernest Rivard as faithful pilot,
Frank Schuler of Ellensburg, as
inner sentinel and Joe Rouleau of
Wapato, outer sentinel.
EVERE2r. -- Miss Jeanetta
Bell of San Francisco arrived in
the city Saturday, to spend a week
v:ith her mother, Mrs. J. E. Bell,
and her sister, Mrs. Eva Reich-
man. Miss Bell had just returned
from the East where she went as
a delegate to the American Insti-
tute of Banking, held in Detroit
early in June. She visited in New
York City, Washington, D. C.,
Chicago and Minneapolis.
Mrs. Rudolph Hartman returned
Saturday from Baltimore, Md.,
where she went to attend the
graduation of her youngest son,
Jehn, from John Hopkins Medical
School. Dr. Hartman has left for
a short holiday in New York be-
:fore returning for his internship
at Johns Hopkins,
One of the:Fourteen Stations of the Cross, cast in pure aluminum
and sculptured for Msgr. Edward J. Flanagan's Boys' Town Church,
near Omaha; Nebr. They were sculptured at the University of Notre
Dame Art Studios by Mrs. Eugene Kormendi, well-known sculptress
and wife of Dr. Eugene K_ormendi, professor of sculpture at the
University. {NC Photos}
By May Smith, Phone 1292-W
George McAIlister Is
K. of C. Grand Knight
WENATCHEE.--Offlcers were
elected at the Knights of Colum-
bus meeting whichwas held on
Monday evening at the parish hall
with grand knight Paul Schmitz
presiding. Chosen were George
McAllister, grand knight; Andy
Matheison, deputy grand knight;
Joe McGaughey, chancellor; Ray
Carson, warden; Chris Miller, in-
side 'guard; Jim Babst, outside
guard; R. Broulett; recorder;
Louie Kill, treasurer; Fred Crol-
lard, Jr., advocate; Paul Schmitz,
trustee. Installation of officers
will be held at the next regular
Aside from the regular business
meeting, H. F. Willett gave a talk
on "Communism" and conditions
in Russia.
Personal and Social
WENATCHE.--Miss Rose Bren-
ner was hostess recently at her
home on Columbia Drive in East
Wenatchee for a-surprise shower
honoring Miss Carol Gahringer.
Mrs. J. M. Smith, of Seattle, is
in XVenatchee visiting with her son
Mel. J. Smith and wife of the
Burke Hill Apts.
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Fairbanks,
and children, David, Gerald, and
Dennis, from Seattle, were the
house guests of Mrs. Fairbank's
mother, Mrs. Louis K. Boyce in the
Skolopia Apts. They spent a week
in Wenatchee.
Katherine Kunkel Is
Bride Of J. L. Trudeau
WENATCHEE.--Miss Katherine
Kunkel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank J. Kunkel of Wenatchee,
was married to J. Lawrence Tru-
deau, son of Mrs. William A. Glas-
son of Spokane.
St. Joseph's CStholic Church
was the scene of the wedding with
Rev. Eugene Duffy offiicating.
The bride, given in marriage by
her father, wore a light blue suit,
with white accessories and a cor-
sage of gardenias and pink roses.
Her sister, Mrs. Herbert Goertz of
Cheney, was her only attendant.
She wore a' grey suit with black
accessories and a corsage of pink
roses. Best man for his brother
was Donald Trudeau of Bremerton.
Following the ceremony, a wed-
ding dinner was served in the
Windsor room of the Columbia
Hotel for relatives of the bride and
groom, in the afternoon a reception
was held at the home of the bride's
The young couple will make their
home" in Spokane.
WENATCHEE. -- During the
month of June, the following la-
d:es took care of the altars of St.
Joseph Catholic Church: Mrs. Joe
Paul, Mrs. J. Prabucki, Mrs. Fred
Monroe and Mrs. LeRoy Beaton.
During the months of July and
August there will be no Altar So-
ciety meetings.
By Kathryn Donegan Phone Red 464"
KNIGHTS TO GIVE I Father Cross Sings
R First Mass At Everett
i EVERETT, SUNDAY' Cross, .O.P. of Everett, cele-
I brated hs hrst solemn Mass Sun
day in the Church of Our Lady
Tacoma News Section
Ethel Hannan Egan, Tacoma Staff Correspondent.
Phone PRoctor 113 !
D,C,C,W, DAY OF Mrs. Delia E. Farley ,ISTS, PETER-PAUL
RECOLLECTION IS Buried From Church I
Of the Sacred Heart[ PARISH TOMARK ..
TACOMA.--More than 50 wom-
en from all cities of Western Dean-
ery attended the first" annual day
of recollection, sponsored by the
Diocesan CounciI of Catholic Wom-
en. The event took p.ace Tues-
day at Visitation Church and the
retreatmaster was the Rev. James
Brennan, S.S., S.J.D., of St. Ed-
;yard Seminary.
Women of Visitation Parish
served breakfast and luncheon to
the retreatants.
Arrangements for the day were
made by Mrs. Robert Bernier, Puy-
allup, deanery chairman of shrines,
Mrs. Stephen Michael, Tacoma,
president Western Deanery, Mrs.
Mark Dolliver, Tacoma, Diocesan
chairman shrines, and the Rev.
Gabriel Donohue, O.S.B., pastor of
Women who made the retreat
F r o m TACOMA, Mesdames
Stephen Michael, Mark Dolliver
Neal Gregory, Cal Kirk, Harry
Naubert, W. H. Harris, M. W.
Marush, O. C. Drumner, F. J. Me-
Laughlin, Catherine Pitzen, Irene
McKenna, Martha "vVilke, R. G.
Chisholm, H. J. Hitchcolt, Clara
Hammersmith, Carl J. Rasmussen
John Hartman, Jr., Jonas Bach-
man, Harry Johnson, John J.
Schneider, J. J. Reuter, Frank J.
Meyer, Frances Ehreth, M. Walen-
tiny, Emina Watson, H. P. Med-
ved, Agnes Clirssten, Mary Burk,
E. J. Turner, Miss Gertrude Her-
From PUYALLLrP : Mesdames
Robert Bernier, Logic Latimer, Ed.
Letourneau, V. L. Cornell.
SUMNER: Mesdames Tony Dor-
necker, C. Nauer, Ann Whitney,
H. I. Magladry, Marcella Hinch-
FIFE: Mrs. Frank W. Fox.
SPANAWAY: Mrs. Harry C.
Harrigan, Mrs. A. F. LaBelle.
Janet Russell, R. L. Don_ham, Rose
N. Burrell, Annie K. Hogan, An-
nie W. Fiugan, Dorothy R. Feller,
H. L. Scholes.
Ralph F. Vanderkinter, and The-
odore Leo Caillier, grandson of
Mrs. Mary Kennedy. The Rev.
Martin Duggan officiated at the
The bride, escorted to the altar
by an uncle, Arno J. Bruemmer of
Yakima, wore a white wool dress-
maker suit, with navy accessories,
and she carried a white prayerbook
with orchid. Mrs. Arthur Haman,
matron of honor, wore a suit of
wood brown shade, with white ac-
cessories. Ralph Vanderkinter, Jr.,
v'as best man for Mr. Caillier.
The wedding .breakfast was at
the Winthrop and an afternoon re-
ception at the home of the bride's
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Caillier left
by plane for a trip to Victoria and
are now at home in Seattle. She
is a graduate of Aquinas Academy,
he of Bellarmine High School.
Lunkley Funeral
From Holy Rosary
TACOMA.--Requiem Mass was
solemnized Thursday at Sacred
Heart Church for Mrs. Delia Ella
Farley, 68, who died Monday at
her home, 4801 A St. Mrs. Far-
ley was a native of St. Paul and
i had lived in Tacoma 58 years. She
was a devout Catholic, a loyal
member of her parish and a devot-
ed worker in Sacred Heart Altar
Her loss is mourned by four
daughters, Mrs. Delia Thaden, Mrs.
Agnes Seiwerath, Mrs. Stella
Thaden and Mrs. Mary Brown;
four sons, William, Bernard, Clair
and Paul; a sister, Miss Mary
Clarey and 19 grandchildren, all
of Tacoma.
Bernice C. Brewitt
Becomes The Bride
Lawrence M. Carino
TACOMA. -- At nuptial mass
Saturday in St. Patrick Church,
Miss Bernice Claire Brewitt be-
came the bride of Lawrence Mi-I
chael Carino, t he Rev. Henryl
Buckman officiating. She is the t
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Joseph[
A. Brewitt, he the §on of Mr.
and Mrs. Raced John Carino.
Dr. Brewit[ escorted his daugh-
ter to the altar, she waring a
gown of heavy white satin, made
directoire stylle. The full skirt
fell to a short train and the
sleeves, puffed at the shoulders,
were tighly fitted about the
wrists. Her fingertip veil was
fastened to the head by a coro-
net of lace and she carried white
rosebuds, with which was twined
a white rosary, the gift of the
Miss Maudie Boylle, maid of
honor, wore white chiffon, petal
shaped hat of white illusion, and
carried blue stock and white
sweetpeas. The maids, Misses
Joan Neisen, Dorothy MacKenzie,
Doris Erhnat and Edna Lou En-
right, wore blue chiffon and car-
ried pink sweetpeas and white
Richard Salatino was best man
• for the groom.
R,tes At Hal Cross
Y Breakfast was at the New
--- I Yorker and an afternoon recep-
TACOMA Holy Cross Church t n
"-- I io for 300 took place at the
was the scene recently of the wed- Brewitt home The voun counle
ding of Miss Mary Lois Vender ] e " - -
- th n left for Lake George, New
kinter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. York. They will live in New
York city where Mr. Carino is a
law student at Columbia, Univer-
E V E R E T T The Everett of Perpetual Help. He was or-
........ • -- ...... t dained to the Holy Priesthood June
ouncll, ILlgnT.s OI OIU2nDUS, VILa i ............
1 m c 2aarys atneural, an
Bellingham council, will exemplify i co" TACOMA.--George J. Lunkley,
three degrees of knighthood on a Franc s . ...... 59 years old, who died Thursday of
cgmbined class of candidates Sun-[ Assisting atner ross a ms last week, was buried Monday
day, June 29. The initiation will I first_Masswerethe Rev. C. V. when Requiem Mass was offered in
amo u , oI mverett as area Holy Rosary church. Interment
begin at 1 p. m. in Redmefi's hall, ' " "
Everett. The Everett council of- priest; Rev. D. P. McCain, O. P. was in Calvary. Mr. Lunkley was
fleers will give the first degree,
Bellingham the second, and Brem-
erton team the third degree.
The exemplification of the three I
degrees in Eerett is the first in I
a number of years, and the offi-]
cers look forward to a good turn- I
cut. I
Henry W. Berth has been ap- I
pointed chairman of the Everett l
Council picnic committee, and he
is calling a committee meeting for
8 p. m. Monday, June 30 at the
home of Leo McKinnon.
of Roas, California, as deacon, and a native of Iowa but came with his
Rev. P. B. Condon, O• P., also of family to Tacoma when only 2
Ross, as subdeacon. Father Con-lyears of age. He was a veteran
don preached the sermon, lot World War I and belonged to
Born In Aberdeen ihis parish Holy Name Society. His
Father Cross, who is the son of loss is mourned by a sister, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Victor Belie Howland, Buckley.
Cross, was born in Aberdeen. He ----
ttended Our Lady of Perpetual
Help School and was graduated Engagement Made Known
Requiem Mass For
George Mutschler
TACOMA.--Mr. and Mrs. L. C.
.ussell announce the engagement
of their daughter, Edna Mac, to
John T. Shilley, son of Mr. and
Mrs. John Shilley. The wedding
will be an event of August 9 and
will take place in Holy C r o s s
Miss Russell is a graduate of
Aquinas Academy and of Tacoma
Catholic College and her fiance is
a graduate of Bellarmine.
from Everett High School in 1940.
A reception honoring Father
Cross was held in the parish
house from 2:30 to 4:30 Sunday
by members of the Dominican
Third Order and friends. Mrs.
George Webber was chairman of
the affair and was assisted by
Mesdames Mitchke, Payette,
Scheid, Killien and Paul. Residing
at the tea table were Mrs. Cross,
mother of the honored guest, Mrs.
G. G. Moore and Mrs. William
Dr. Fiorino Receives Honor
EVERETT. -- Dr. John F. Fior-
ino has returned home after sev-
eral weeks in the East. Dr. Fior-
u,o was doing graduate work both
at Harvard and University of Chi-
cago Lying In hospital. He was
awarded special honors by the
Board of Obstretrics and Gynecol-
Pope Plus Receives
Three U. S. Generals
EVERETT. -- Requiem Mass
was offered in Our Lady of Per-
petual Help Church, Saturday, for
George Mutschler of 1331 Broad-
way who died on Sunday follow-
ing a short illness.
Mr. Mutschler was born in Per-
ham, Minn.. May 5, 1881 Surviv-
ing are his widow, Mrs. Gertrude
Mutschler; five daughters, Mrs.
Margaret Stephens of San Anton-
io, Texas; Mrs. Gertrude Sorgen-
frei of Seattle; Mrs. Helen Kenna
of 303 Morgan Road; Doris and
Deloris Mutschler at home; four
sons, Percy of 1432 Oakes Aven-
ue; Russell of 1331 Broadway;
John of Elgin Field, Fla.; and
Donald of Los Angeles, Calif.; a
sister, Mrs. Frank Wilder of Ore-
ville; two brothers, Henry Mutsch-
ler of Portland, Ore., and Martin
Mutschler of New York, and five
TACOMA.--Mrs. Clarles Clo-
herty of Lake Steilacoom surprised
her small son, Patrick Joseph, with
a party Saturday, his fifth birth:
day. Eleven little boys and girls
made up the guest list.
Mrs. Anna Cloherty, the small
boy's grandmother, had a family
dinner in his honor, at her home
on South 9th, on Sunda/. The
Charles Cloherty's have a smaller
boy, Brian Charles.
VATICAN CITY, June 9--(NC) I of the Allied Forces in Austria;
--Three U. S. Army occupation t Brig. Gen.-Thomas Hickey, his
forces leaders were rece:.ved by / chief of staff, and Lt. Gem Clef-
His Holiness Pope Pins XII in[ence Huebner, vice supreme cam-
private audiences, Lt. Gem Geof-I mender of the American Armed
trey Keyes, supreme commander[ Forces in Europe.
Hahn-Enoch Wedding
At St. Leo Church
TACOMA.mNuptial Mass in St. 1
Leo church recently, marked the'
wedding of Miss Reta Hahn,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore
Holm, and Raymond Enoch, Jr.,
son of Mrs. O. L. Forbes, Cape
Girardeau, Mo. The Rev. Louis
Gels, S. J., officiated.
The bride, who walked to the al-
tar with her father, wore a gown
of white satin, with fitted bodice,
long pointed sleeves and full skit
falling to a train. The veil, finger-
tip in length, was caught to a
coronet of pearls, and the bridal
bouquet was of American beauty
Miss Patty Fischer, maid of
honor, was in yellow taffeta, with
a flower arrangement in her hair.
She carried blue iris and pink rose-
buds. The maids, Miss Audrey
Bacher and Miss Dolores Gibson,
were in pink nylon sheer and pale
blue jersey. Both had flowers in
their hair and carried roses and
carnations. James Woodall was
best man for the groom.
Breakfast was at the New York-
er, a dinner was served at the
Hahn home and an evening recep-
tion held at the Crescent hall. The
couple then left for a trip and have
now "one to Missouri to make
their home. She is a graduate of
St. Leo High School, he served in
the South Pacific on the U. S. Vel-
la _Gulf, a Tacoma built ship and
was discharged in January 1946.
St. Martin Mothers'
Club Enjoys Outing
TACOMA--Members of St. Mar-
tin's Mothers' CJub enjoyed their
annual summer outing at the home
of Mrs. Thomas Mellon, American
Lake South, on Thursday. A pot
luck luncheon was served at noon
and the afternoon spent in play-
ing games.
TACOMA.--Sts. Peter and Pail
Parish will mark the feast of the
two great apostles, St. Peter and
St. Paul, wilx special solemnity
on Sunday. The patronal feast
of the parish w-ill be an occasion
of rejoicing for the parishioners.
There will be Masses at 7, 8
and 10:30, the last to be a sol-
emn high Mass xe Rev. Henry
Rocsycki, O.S:B., pastor w'll be
celebrant, the Rev. Philip Began,
O.S.B., of St. Martin's College,
wil,be deacon, the Rev. Richard
Cebula, O.S.B., also of St. Mar-
tins, will be Sub-deacon. Father
Began will deliver the sermon and
the music will be March's Jubilee
Mass, Tozer's Proper and select-
ed litugical motets, by the sen-
or choir, directed by Mrs. Frank
Sts. Peter and Paul Post of the
Catholic War Veterans will meet
Tuesday evening in the parish
TACOMA--Tom Gould wa in-
stalled as president by Cardinal
Club meeting Frida: :n K. C. hall.
Other officers are Jean Hafsos,
vice president; John Jackowski,
treas.; Florence Goralski, histor-
ian; D o n Gallagher, sgt.-at-
arms; Jack Mciqa:_ara, program
chairman; Jim Rogers, junior past
Betty O'Toole, Florence Garal-
ski and Bob McDonoag=x were ap-
pointed to review and suggest im-
provements for the constitution.
John Finnegan was appointed
chairman of the cruise committee.
Announceznent was made that
Cardinal Club of. Tacoma and
Chancellor Club, of Seattle will
hold a joint picnic, August 10, at
Shadow Lake near Knt.
A large group of Cardinal Club
members will go to Columbus
Park, Black Lake, near Olympia,
Sunday, to attend the Ki Yu
Club's annual outing.
Henriots Mark 25th
Wedding Anniversary
TACOMA--Mr. and Mrs. Cleo
Henriot of North Prospect St. had
open house, Sunday, to mark the
25th anniversary of their wedding.
A large mtmber of friends called
during the afternoon to felicitate
the couple.
Cleo Henriot and Miss Elizabeth
McBride were married in st. Jos-
eph Church, Seattle, and made
their home for many years in Che-
halls, coming to Tacoma a decade
ago. The couple have five child-
ren, Jack Henriot, who saw service
in Europe during World War II
and was wounded, .and is now at
University of Washington, Betty,
also at the University, James, Se-
attle College student, Jeanne
Marie, at Aquinas, and Peter, in
St. Patrick Parish school.
Mrs. Scott Is Buried
From St. Leo Church
TACOMA--Funeral services for
Mrs. Sarah Agnes Scott, who died
Tuesday af last week, took place
Monday from St. Leo Church @
with requiem Mass.
Mrs. Scott, widow of David C.
Scott, Tacoma financier, formerly
lived at Gravelly Lake but had
lately made her home at the Win-
throp. She was a native of Boston
and lived in Tacoma since 1910. |
Her husband passed away in 1934.
Her loss is mourned by a
nephew, Byron Scott, Tacoma,
nieces Mrs. Helen Fleischer,* Mrs.
Marie Jaeger, Mrs. Marian Har-
baugh, Seattle, Mrs. May Schroe-
der and Mrs. June Christian, Los
Dash Point Parish
To Sponsor Outing
DASH POINT. -- Parishioners
of St. Teresa parish announce a
picnic for July 13, at Salt Water
Park and friends of the parish as
well as parishioners are urged to
reserve the date. Dinner will be
served at 4 p. m. and the Rev.
Henry Buckman of St. Patrick
Parish, Tacoma, will be the hon-
ored guest.
--Main 1412--
1123 So. Tacoma Ave. Tacoma, Wash.
PageTwa ........ C;THOEIC HORTHWEST- PROGRESS - Friday, June27,]9:47
[. Margaret Shelton
YAKIMA N EWS Weds Leo Kushner
By Mrs. Roy Fountaine--Phone 3061 At St. Paul Church II
YAKIMA.--Miss Margaret Mae
Peter ff T{} Shelton, daughter of Mr. and:
Mrs. Sandy S. Shelton of Yakima
NuptialslnWapat° SAY FIRST MASS IN [became thebrideofLeoKushner,
i son of Mr. and Mrs. John Kushner
I Paul's Church on Wednesday, June
'WAPATO.--Miss Fay Harriett HOME PARISH HERE [ °f Kent at a nupual Mass in st"
Peterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1,18. The double-ring ceremony was
V'iiam Peterson of Yakima be- read by Rex,. Father Thomas J.
came the bride of John L. Trudeau,
son of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Tru-
deau of Wapato at a nuptial Mass
in .St. Peter's Church in Wapato
on. Monday, June 16. The cere-
mony was read by Rev. Father
Peter Ryan.
']pIiss Barbara Hunsberger was
maid of honor and the bridesmaids
wLre Miss Bette Prasch, Mrs. Nor-
man Wyatt, sister of the bride,
Miss Joyce McCoy and Miss Me,
ran. Trudeau. Little Linda Huns-
berger was the flower girl.* Joseph
Favilla was best man and the ush-
s were Henry Sudmeier, John
Lancaster of Spokane, Beriah
Brown and Norman Wyatt of Kan-
-A reception followed in the par-
ish hall. Pouring were Mrs. Mary
Louise Desserault and Mrs.
Charles Chambers. Mrs. Hugh Gen-
d.r0n cut the wedding cake. Serv-
ing were Miss Judy Smithwick,
Mism Mary Jane Trudeau, Miss
Dalhne Trudeau, Miss Mary Fe-
rtile and Miss Joan BaChmier. The
guest book was passed by Mrs.
Glenn Peterson and Mrs. Paul Sut-
pin and her daughter, Joan, had
charge of the gifts. A wedding
breakfast followed in the Donnel-
ly hotel.
. Mr. and Mrs. Trudeau will make
their home in Wapato. Mrs. Tru-
deau is a graduate of Yakima sen-
ior high school and the bride-
groom attended Gonzaga univer-
sity after his graduation from
White Swan high school.
Tom McGinnis Elected
Serra Club President
YAKIMA. -- Tom S. McGinnis
was elected president of the Yaki-
ma Serra club, succeeding Paul C.
Meyer, who was president for the
past six months.
• Other officers named at the brief
business session on Tpesday, June
24, in the Golden Wheel are: First
vlce president and program chair-
man, F. Ken. Courtney; second vice
president, tester J. Schwaegler..
Louise Massong Is
YAIMA.--Ziss Louise Massong,
daughter of Max Massong became
the bride of Guy Pelham Harris,
son of Mrs. Butt L. ttarris of
Yakima at a nuptial Mass in St.
Paul's Church on Saturday, June
21, The double-ring ceremony was
performed by Rev. Father Thomas
J: Pitsch.
:Miss Helen Hazen was maid .of
honor. Other bridal attendants
were Miss Beverly Arndt, Miss
Claire Stanyar, Mrs. Rite Segnan,
and Miss Virginia Aluni of Min-
neapolis. Little Sarita Coffin was
flower girl.
The best man 'was Jack Arndt
and the ushers were Hal Hamper,
Harvey Warninger, and Fred and
George Massong, 'brothers of the
A reception followed in the Wo-
man's Century clubhouse. Mr. and
Mrs: Harris left by plane for Spo-
l;ane. After a honeymoon at Lake
Louise, Alta., they will return to
make their home in Yakima.
Maxine Simpkins Is
Bride Of E. Tomisser
YAKIMA.--Miss Maxine Simp-
kins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F.
J. Simpkins became the bride of
Edward Tomisser, son of Mrs.
Anna. Tomisser of Yakima, at a
nutial Mass in St. Paul Church on
Saturday. The double-ring cere-
mony was performed by Rev. The-
odore P. Sullivan.
Mrs. Darrel Robertson was ma-
tron of honor and Mr. Darrel Rob-
ertson was the best man. Ushers
W.e:Everett Simpkins and Rob-
ert Tomisser.
A reception was held in the
• Broadway Grange Hall. Mrs. Frank
Tomisser and Mrs. Grant Phiefer
poured and Mrs. Jack Barker cut
the wedding cake. Mrs. Charles
Tomisser and Mrs. Jack Agopso-
wicz had charge of the guest book:
Friends and relatives attended a
wedding dance in the evening at
the grange all. .Following a
honeymoon trip to Oregon the
couple will reside in Yakima.
Gregory Q. Roth
Phone 4013
508 :No. 6th St. Y
BENOIT'S Sea Foods
Phone 9551 yaklma
If It's Fish We Have It
YAICIMA Y'ne Rev. William N.
Bischoff, S.J., who was ordained
June 16 by Archbishop Mitty in
San Francisco, will say his first
solemn Mass in his home parish,
St. Joseph Church here, at 11 a.m.
Sunday, June 29.
Father Bischoff was born in
Yakima and was educated by the
Sisters of Charity of Providence
and the Jesuit Fathers at Mar-
quette grade and high school. In
1933 he entered the Society/ of
Jesus at the novitiate of St. Fran-
cis Xavier in Sheridan, Oregon. He
received his M.A. degree from
Mount St. Michael, 'Spokane, in
1940. During 1940-42 he was in-
structor in history at Gonzaa
He matriculated at Loyala Uni-
versity as , graduate fellow in
history in 1942, and did extensive
research work at St. Louis Uni-
versity, Yale, and the National
Archives, Washington, D. C.
:Father Bischoff is a member of
Delta Epsilon Sigma, the National
Catholic Honor Society, and ,an
honorary member of the Eugene
Field society, a national associa-
tion of authors and journalists.
Father Bischoff's "The" Jesuits in
Old Oregon," a work on a hitherto
unwritten phase of Northwest his-
tory, was published in 1945. He has
contributed ,also to various na-
tional and regional periodicals.
Many relatives of Father: Bis-
chaff, including his mother, Mrs.
Mary Bischoff of Yakima, attend-
ed the ordination ceremony. A
brother, the Rev. A. AnthonY Bis-
Miss Theresa Shelton, sister of
the bride, was maid of honor.
Bridesmaids were Miss Shirley
Shelton and Mrs. tester Robel
sisters of the bride and Mrs. Tony
.Skya, sister of the groom.
The best man was Georeg Kush-
ner, brother of the bridegroom.
The ushers were Tony Skya, Les-
ter Robel and Don Durbon.
A reception and dinner were held
at Gasperaetti's for relatives and
friends. Mrs. J. A. Cloyd served
the three-tiered wedding cake. Out
lot town guests were Mrand Mrs.
John • Kushner of Kent, Mr. and
Mrs. George Kushner of Portland
and Mr. and Mrs. John Skya of
The bride is .a graduate of St.
Joseph Academy and also grad-
uate of St. Elizabeth's school of
Nursing. The bridegroom attend-
ed W. S. C. and at present is the
pharmacist in S t. Elizabeth's hos-
After a honeymoon to Lake
Louise, Alta., Mr. and Mrs. Kush-
ner will reside in Yakima.
Twins Wed Brothers
In Double Ceremony
YAKL-A--T'he twin daughters
of Mrs. Esther La Cross of Yaki-
ma became the brides of brothers
,at a double wedding ceremony in
St. Paul's Church. Miss Estelle
Gardiner became the bride of Don-
ald A.man, and her sister Elna be-
came the bride of Melvin Amen.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Amen are
the parents of .the brothers. Rev.
Father Thomas A. Edwards read
the nuptial Mass. !
The brides chose identical gowns i
of white slipper satin with finger-I
tip veils that fell from sweet- I
heart crowns. Each carried a:
colonial shower bouquet of roses
surrounded by sweetpeas ahd baby
breath. Miss Glennys Montgomery
and Miss Patricia Sanders were
maids of honor in identical blue
net dresses with sweetheart bon-
nets. Bridesmaids were Miss Dana
Knopp and Miss Elsie Day. Miss
Kathy Knopp was the flower girl.
W'illiam Andering and Robert
Pothier were best men and the
ushers were Leslie Morin and
Chris Aman.
A reception and dance were held
on Saturday night in the Fruit-
vale grange hall.
chaff, S.J., was unable to come I !! l , /
from England where he is doing I,Uella Latenaresse
research at Oxford University. 11r / A it v |" /
Assisting Father Bischoff at I .eos/IU a. ravllcg
the Mass will be the Rev. Ralph ----
V. Sudmeier, S.J., master of cere-I YAKIMA.--Miss Luella Laten--
drease, daughter of Mr and Mrs
nonies; Rev. Francis Lindekugel, -: .
~ --,-, --:^-, ,^.. -.-- IFrank. Latendresse became the
.d., asslttztc pz*uc; 'v. r-,uwv.xu I
.............. }bride of Anthony J Pavlick, son
inueKugel, 5.J., oeacon, a,u .uv.
John C. Hanses, S.J., subdeacon.
The Rev. Joseph McDonnell, S.J.,
of Gonzaga will deliver the
Births At Yakima
}of Mrs. John Pavlick of Yakima at
a nuptial Mass in St. Joseph
Church on Monday, June 16. The
double-ring ceremony was read by[
Rev. Father Francis J. Schoen-[
berg, S.J. " I
Maid of honor was Miss Julianna I
Pavlick, sister of the bridegroom.
Miss Betty Latendresse, sister of
the bride, was ,bridesmaid. Ray ]
T. Latendresse, brother of the I
bride, was the best man. Vern
2hartier also attended the bride-
groom. Stanley Garceau and Nor-
man Cyr, Jr., were ushers.
FOllowing the ceremony, a wed-
ding breakfast was held in the
Donnelly hotel for the attendants
and members of the immediate
families. Miss Lucille Latendresse,
sister of the bride, cut the wedding
cake, while Mrs. Ray Latendresse
had charge of the guest book. Af-
ter a short wedding trip to Idaho,
the couple will make their home
in Yakima.
YAKIMA. -- St. Elizabeth's hos-
pital announces the following
To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greer,
a girl, June 17.
To Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Fowler,
a girl, June 18.
To Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kohls, !
a boy, June 18.
To Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. For-
tier, a girl, June 18.
To Mr. and Mrs. James Spears,
a boy, June 18.
To Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Schaefer
a boy, June 19.
To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maser,
a girl, June 20.
To Mr. and Mrs. Halpin Max-
well, a girl, June 22.
To Mr__ and __Mrs John Roller, a John Plnkerton" Heads
oy, une . Fourth Degree g. Of C.
I Jt " " rid ". q YAKY/VIA.--John Pinkerton was
ra[rlcla Denolt 1o elected faithful navigator of the
3iT ] ill IF* "J!Joseph Caruana Assembly of the
.e.r. ITlClklarmlOiFourth Degree of the Knights of
YAK,A _.._ . Columbus at a meeting in the Com-
Benoit aVnn'-n "r" ana^_.rs: yam mercia 1 hotel on Wednesday, June
on ce the ,,, - e d
din of their dauhte - ^*--'--'- * 18. He succ e s George Corbett
o --. ..... :.; ,, =.L,, who presided at this meeting
Freder,u rL ct,armla, son oI
Mrs. O. J. Thompson of San Fran- Other officers elected were
cisco, Cal. The nuptial mass will
take place at 10 o'clock on June 28
in St. Paul's Church.
Miss Benoit is a graduate of St.
Joseph Academy in Yakima and
bas attended both Dominican col-
lege at San Rafael, Cal., and the
University of California at Berk-
eley, where she has been for the
ast two years.
'Do" and "Mose"
George Brock as faithful comptrol
ler, Ernest Rivard as faithful pilot,
Frank Schuler of Ellensburg, as
inner sentinel and Joe Rouleau of
Wapato, outer sentinel.
EVERE2r. -- Miss Jeanetta
Bell of San Francisco arrived in
the city Saturday, to spend a week
v:ith her mother, Mrs. J. E. Bell,
and her sister, Mrs. Eva Reich-
man. Miss Bell had just returned
from the East where she went as
a delegate to the American Insti-
tute of Banking, held in Detroit
early in June. She visited in New
York City, Washington, D. C.,
Chicago and Minneapolis.
Mrs. Rudolph Hartman returned
Saturday from Baltimore, Md.,
where she went to attend the
graduation of her youngest son,
Jehn, from John Hopkins Medical
School. Dr. Hartman has left for
a short holiday in New York be-
:fore returning for his internship
at Johns Hopkins,
One of the:Fourteen Stations of the Cross, cast in pure aluminum
and sculptured for Msgr. Edward J. Flanagan's Boys' Town Church,
near Omaha; Nebr. They were sculptured at the University of Notre
Dame Art Studios by Mrs. Eugene Kormendi, well-known sculptress
and wife of Dr. Eugene K_ormendi, professor of sculpture at the
University. {NC Photos}
By May Smith, Phone 1292-W
George McAIlister Is
K. of C. Grand Knight
WENATCHEE.--Offlcers were
elected at the Knights of Colum-
bus meeting whichwas held on
Monday evening at the parish hall
with grand knight Paul Schmitz
presiding. Chosen were George
McAllister, grand knight; Andy
Matheison, deputy grand knight;
Joe McGaughey, chancellor; Ray
Carson, warden; Chris Miller, in-
side 'guard; Jim Babst, outside
guard; R. Broulett; recorder;
Louie Kill, treasurer; Fred Crol-
lard, Jr., advocate; Paul Schmitz,
trustee. Installation of officers
will be held at the next regular
Aside from the regular business
meeting, H. F. Willett gave a talk
on "Communism" and conditions
in Russia.
Personal and Social
WENATCHE.--Miss Rose Bren-
ner was hostess recently at her
home on Columbia Drive in East
Wenatchee for a-surprise shower
honoring Miss Carol Gahringer.
Mrs. J. M. Smith, of Seattle, is
in XVenatchee visiting with her son
Mel. J. Smith and wife of the
Burke Hill Apts.
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Fairbanks,
and children, David, Gerald, and
Dennis, from Seattle, were the
house guests of Mrs. Fairbank's
mother, Mrs. Louis K. Boyce in the
Skolopia Apts. They spent a week
in Wenatchee.
Katherine Kunkel Is
Bride Of J. L. Trudeau
WENATCHEE.--Miss Katherine
Kunkel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank J. Kunkel of Wenatchee,
was married to J. Lawrence Tru-
deau, son of Mrs. William A. Glas-
son of Spokane.
St. Joseph's CStholic Church
was the scene of the wedding with
Rev. Eugene Duffy offiicating.
The bride, given in marriage by
her father, wore a light blue suit,
with white accessories and a cor-
sage of gardenias and pink roses.
Her sister, Mrs. Herbert Goertz of
Cheney, was her only attendant.
She wore a' grey suit with black
accessories and a corsage of pink
roses. Best man for his brother
was Donald Trudeau of Bremerton.
Following the ceremony, a wed-
ding dinner was served in the
Windsor room of the Columbia
Hotel for relatives of the bride and
groom, in the afternoon a reception
was held at the home of the bride's
The young couple will make their
home" in Spokane.
WENATCHEE. -- During the
month of June, the following la-
d:es took care of the altars of St.
Joseph Catholic Church: Mrs. Joe
Paul, Mrs. J. Prabucki, Mrs. Fred
Monroe and Mrs. LeRoy Beaton.
During the months of July and
August there will be no Altar So-
ciety meetings.
By Kathryn Donegan Phone Red 464"
KNIGHTS TO GIVE I Father Cross Sings
R First Mass At Everett
i EVERETT, SUNDAY' Cross, .O.P. of Everett, cele-
I brated hs hrst solemn Mass Sun
day in the Church of Our Lady
Tacoma News Section
Ethel Hannan Egan, Tacoma Staff Correspondent.
Phone PRoctor 113 !
D,C,C,W, DAY OF Mrs. Delia E. Farley ,ISTS, PETER-PAUL
RECOLLECTION IS Buried From Church I
Of the Sacred Heart[ PARISH TOMARK ..
TACOMA.--More than 50 wom-
en from all cities of Western Dean-
ery attended the first" annual day
of recollection, sponsored by the
Diocesan CounciI of Catholic Wom-
en. The event took p.ace Tues-
day at Visitation Church and the
retreatmaster was the Rev. James
Brennan, S.S., S.J.D., of St. Ed-
;yard Seminary.
Women of Visitation Parish
served breakfast and luncheon to
the retreatants.
Arrangements for the day were
made by Mrs. Robert Bernier, Puy-
allup, deanery chairman of shrines,
Mrs. Stephen Michael, Tacoma,
president Western Deanery, Mrs.
Mark Dolliver, Tacoma, Diocesan
chairman shrines, and the Rev.
Gabriel Donohue, O.S.B., pastor of
Women who made the retreat
F r o m TACOMA, Mesdames
Stephen Michael, Mark Dolliver
Neal Gregory, Cal Kirk, Harry
Naubert, W. H. Harris, M. W.
Marush, O. C. Drumner, F. J. Me-
Laughlin, Catherine Pitzen, Irene
McKenna, Martha "vVilke, R. G.
Chisholm, H. J. Hitchcolt, Clara
Hammersmith, Carl J. Rasmussen
John Hartman, Jr., Jonas Bach-
man, Harry Johnson, John J.
Schneider, J. J. Reuter, Frank J.
Meyer, Frances Ehreth, M. Walen-
tiny, Emina Watson, H. P. Med-
ved, Agnes Clirssten, Mary Burk,
E. J. Turner, Miss Gertrude Her-
From PUYALLLrP : Mesdames
Robert Bernier, Logic Latimer, Ed.
Letourneau, V. L. Cornell.
SUMNER: Mesdames Tony Dor-
necker, C. Nauer, Ann Whitney,
H. I. Magladry, Marcella Hinch-
FIFE: Mrs. Frank W. Fox.
SPANAWAY: Mrs. Harry C.
Harrigan, Mrs. A. F. LaBelle.
Janet Russell, R. L. Don_ham, Rose
N. Burrell, Annie K. Hogan, An-
nie W. Fiugan, Dorothy R. Feller,
H. L. Scholes.
Ralph F. Vanderkinter, and The-
odore Leo Caillier, grandson of
Mrs. Mary Kennedy. The Rev.
Martin Duggan officiated at the
The bride, escorted to the altar
by an uncle, Arno J. Bruemmer of
Yakima, wore a white wool dress-
maker suit, with navy accessories,
and she carried a white prayerbook
with orchid. Mrs. Arthur Haman,
matron of honor, wore a suit of
wood brown shade, with white ac-
cessories. Ralph Vanderkinter, Jr.,
v'as best man for Mr. Caillier.
The wedding .breakfast was at
the Winthrop and an afternoon re-
ception at the home of the bride's
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Caillier left
by plane for a trip to Victoria and
are now at home in Seattle. She
is a graduate of Aquinas Academy,
he of Bellarmine High School.
Lunkley Funeral
From Holy Rosary
TACOMA.--Requiem Mass was
solemnized Thursday at Sacred
Heart Church for Mrs. Delia Ella
Farley, 68, who died Monday at
her home, 4801 A St. Mrs. Far-
ley was a native of St. Paul and
i had lived in Tacoma 58 years. She
was a devout Catholic, a loyal
member of her parish and a devot-
ed worker in Sacred Heart Altar
Her loss is mourned by four
daughters, Mrs. Delia Thaden, Mrs.
Agnes Seiwerath, Mrs. Stella
Thaden and Mrs. Mary Brown;
four sons, William, Bernard, Clair
and Paul; a sister, Miss Mary
Clarey and 19 grandchildren, all
of Tacoma.
Bernice C. Brewitt
Becomes The Bride
Lawrence M. Carino
TACOMA. -- At nuptial mass
Saturday in St. Patrick Church,
Miss Bernice Claire Brewitt be-
came the bride of Lawrence Mi-I
chael Carino, t he Rev. Henryl
Buckman officiating. She is the t
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Joseph[
A. Brewitt, he the §on of Mr.
and Mrs. Raced John Carino.
Dr. Brewit[ escorted his daugh-
ter to the altar, she waring a
gown of heavy white satin, made
directoire stylle. The full skirt
fell to a short train and the
sleeves, puffed at the shoulders,
were tighly fitted about the
wrists. Her fingertip veil was
fastened to the head by a coro-
net of lace and she carried white
rosebuds, with which was twined
a white rosary, the gift of the
Miss Maudie Boylle, maid of
honor, wore white chiffon, petal
shaped hat of white illusion, and
carried blue stock and white
sweetpeas. The maids, Misses
Joan Neisen, Dorothy MacKenzie,
Doris Erhnat and Edna Lou En-
right, wore blue chiffon and car-
ried pink sweetpeas and white
Richard Salatino was best man
• for the groom.
R,tes At Hal Cross
Y Breakfast was at the New
--- I Yorker and an afternoon recep-
TACOMA Holy Cross Church t n
"-- I io for 300 took place at the
was the scene recently of the wed- Brewitt home The voun counle
ding of Miss Mary Lois Vender ] e " - -
- th n left for Lake George, New
kinter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. York. They will live in New
York city where Mr. Carino is a
law student at Columbia, Univer-
E V E R E T T The Everett of Perpetual Help. He was or-
........ • -- ...... t dained to the Holy Priesthood June
ouncll, ILlgnT.s OI OIU2nDUS, VILa i ............
1 m c 2aarys atneural, an
Bellingham council, will exemplify i co" TACOMA.--George J. Lunkley,
three degrees of knighthood on a Franc s . ...... 59 years old, who died Thursday of
cgmbined class of candidates Sun-[ Assisting atner ross a ms last week, was buried Monday
day, June 29. The initiation will I first_Masswerethe Rev. C. V. when Requiem Mass was offered in
amo u , oI mverett as area Holy Rosary church. Interment
begin at 1 p. m. in Redmefi's hall, ' " "
Everett. The Everett council of- priest; Rev. D. P. McCain, O. P. was in Calvary. Mr. Lunkley was
fleers will give the first degree,
Bellingham the second, and Brem-
erton team the third degree.
The exemplification of the three I
degrees in Eerett is the first in I
a number of years, and the offi-]
cers look forward to a good turn- I
cut. I
Henry W. Berth has been ap- I
pointed chairman of the Everett l
Council picnic committee, and he
is calling a committee meeting for
8 p. m. Monday, June 30 at the
home of Leo McKinnon.
of Roas, California, as deacon, and a native of Iowa but came with his
Rev. P. B. Condon, O• P., also of family to Tacoma when only 2
Ross, as subdeacon. Father Con-lyears of age. He was a veteran
don preached the sermon, lot World War I and belonged to
Born In Aberdeen ihis parish Holy Name Society. His
Father Cross, who is the son of loss is mourned by a sister, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Victor Belie Howland, Buckley.
Cross, was born in Aberdeen. He ----
ttended Our Lady of Perpetual
Help School and was graduated Engagement Made Known
Requiem Mass For
George Mutschler
TACOMA.--Mr. and Mrs. L. C.
.ussell announce the engagement
of their daughter, Edna Mac, to
John T. Shilley, son of Mr. and
Mrs. John Shilley. The wedding
will be an event of August 9 and
will take place in Holy C r o s s
Miss Russell is a graduate of
Aquinas Academy and of Tacoma
Catholic College and her fiance is
a graduate of Bellarmine.
from Everett High School in 1940.
A reception honoring Father
Cross was held in the parish
house from 2:30 to 4:30 Sunday
by members of the Dominican
Third Order and friends. Mrs.
George Webber was chairman of
the affair and was assisted by
Mesdames Mitchke, Payette,
Scheid, Killien and Paul. Residing
at the tea table were Mrs. Cross,
mother of the honored guest, Mrs.
G. G. Moore and Mrs. William
Dr. Fiorino Receives Honor
EVERETT. -- Dr. John F. Fior-
ino has returned home after sev-
eral weeks in the East. Dr. Fior-
u,o was doing graduate work both
at Harvard and University of Chi-
cago Lying In hospital. He was
awarded special honors by the
Board of Obstretrics and Gynecol-
Pope Plus Receives
Three U. S. Generals
EVERETT. -- Requiem Mass
was offered in Our Lady of Per-
petual Help Church, Saturday, for
George Mutschler of 1331 Broad-
way who died on Sunday follow-
ing a short illness.
Mr. Mutschler was born in Per-
ham, Minn.. May 5, 1881 Surviv-
ing are his widow, Mrs. Gertrude
Mutschler; five daughters, Mrs.
Margaret Stephens of San Anton-
io, Texas; Mrs. Gertrude Sorgen-
frei of Seattle; Mrs. Helen Kenna
of 303 Morgan Road; Doris and
Deloris Mutschler at home; four
sons, Percy of 1432 Oakes Aven-
ue; Russell of 1331 Broadway;
John of Elgin Field, Fla.; and
Donald of Los Angeles, Calif.; a
sister, Mrs. Frank Wilder of Ore-
ville; two brothers, Henry Mutsch-
ler of Portland, Ore., and Martin
Mutschler of New York, and five
TACOMA.--Mrs. Clarles Clo-
herty of Lake Steilacoom surprised
her small son, Patrick Joseph, with
a party Saturday, his fifth birth:
day. Eleven little boys and girls
made up the guest list.
Mrs. Anna Cloherty, the small
boy's grandmother, had a family
dinner in his honor, at her home
on South 9th, on Sunda/. The
Charles Cloherty's have a smaller
boy, Brian Charles.
VATICAN CITY, June 9--(NC) I of the Allied Forces in Austria;
--Three U. S. Army occupation t Brig. Gen.-Thomas Hickey, his
forces leaders were rece:.ved by / chief of staff, and Lt. Gem Clef-
His Holiness Pope Pins XII in[ence Huebner, vice supreme cam-
private audiences, Lt. Gem Geof-I mender of the American Armed
trey Keyes, supreme commander[ Forces in Europe.
Hahn-Enoch Wedding
At St. Leo Church
TACOMA.mNuptial Mass in St. 1
Leo church recently, marked the'
wedding of Miss Reta Hahn,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore
Holm, and Raymond Enoch, Jr.,
son of Mrs. O. L. Forbes, Cape
Girardeau, Mo. The Rev. Louis
Gels, S. J., officiated.
The bride, who walked to the al-
tar with her father, wore a gown
of white satin, with fitted bodice,
long pointed sleeves and full skit
falling to a train. The veil, finger-
tip in length, was caught to a
coronet of pearls, and the bridal
bouquet was of American beauty
Miss Patty Fischer, maid of
honor, was in yellow taffeta, with
a flower arrangement in her hair.
She carried blue iris and pink rose-
buds. The maids, Miss Audrey
Bacher and Miss Dolores Gibson,
were in pink nylon sheer and pale
blue jersey. Both had flowers in
their hair and carried roses and
carnations. James Woodall was
best man for the groom.
Breakfast was at the New York-
er, a dinner was served at the
Hahn home and an evening recep-
tion held at the Crescent hall. The
couple then left for a trip and have
now "one to Missouri to make
their home. She is a graduate of
St. Leo High School, he served in
the South Pacific on the U. S. Vel-
la _Gulf, a Tacoma built ship and
was discharged in January 1946.
St. Martin Mothers'
Club Enjoys Outing
TACOMA--Members of St. Mar-
tin's Mothers' CJub enjoyed their
annual summer outing at the home
of Mrs. Thomas Mellon, American
Lake South, on Thursday. A pot
luck luncheon was served at noon
and the afternoon spent in play-
ing games.
TACOMA.--Sts. Peter and Pail
Parish will mark the feast of the
two great apostles, St. Peter and
St. Paul, wilx special solemnity
on Sunday. The patronal feast
of the parish w-ill be an occasion
of rejoicing for the parishioners.
There will be Masses at 7, 8
and 10:30, the last to be a sol-
emn high Mass xe Rev. Henry
Rocsycki, O.S:B., pastor w'll be
celebrant, the Rev. Philip Began,
O.S.B., of St. Martin's College,
wil,be deacon, the Rev. Richard
Cebula, O.S.B., also of St. Mar-
tins, will be Sub-deacon. Father
Began will deliver the sermon and
the music will be March's Jubilee
Mass, Tozer's Proper and select-
ed litugical motets, by the sen-
or choir, directed by Mrs. Frank
Sts. Peter and Paul Post of the
Catholic War Veterans will meet
Tuesday evening in the parish
TACOMA--Tom Gould wa in-
stalled as president by Cardinal
Club meeting Frida: :n K. C. hall.
Other officers are Jean Hafsos,
vice president; John Jackowski,
treas.; Florence Goralski, histor-
ian; D o n Gallagher, sgt.-at-
arms; Jack Mciqa:_ara, program
chairman; Jim Rogers, junior past
Betty O'Toole, Florence Garal-
ski and Bob McDonoag=x were ap-
pointed to review and suggest im-
provements for the constitution.
John Finnegan was appointed
chairman of the cruise committee.
Announceznent was made that
Cardinal Club of. Tacoma and
Chancellor Club, of Seattle will
hold a joint picnic, August 10, at
Shadow Lake near Knt.
A large group of Cardinal Club
members will go to Columbus
Park, Black Lake, near Olympia,
Sunday, to attend the Ki Yu
Club's annual outing.
Henriots Mark 25th
Wedding Anniversary
TACOMA--Mr. and Mrs. Cleo
Henriot of North Prospect St. had
open house, Sunday, to mark the
25th anniversary of their wedding.
A large mtmber of friends called
during the afternoon to felicitate
the couple.
Cleo Henriot and Miss Elizabeth
McBride were married in st. Jos-
eph Church, Seattle, and made
their home for many years in Che-
halls, coming to Tacoma a decade
ago. The couple have five child-
ren, Jack Henriot, who saw service
in Europe during World War II
and was wounded, .and is now at
University of Washington, Betty,
also at the University, James, Se-
attle College student, Jeanne
Marie, at Aquinas, and Peter, in
St. Patrick Parish school.
Mrs. Scott Is Buried
From St. Leo Church
TACOMA--Funeral services for
Mrs. Sarah Agnes Scott, who died
Tuesday af last week, took place
Monday from St. Leo Church @
with requiem Mass.
Mrs. Scott, widow of David C.
Scott, Tacoma financier, formerly
lived at Gravelly Lake but had
lately made her home at the Win-
throp. She was a native of Boston
and lived in Tacoma since 1910. |
Her husband passed away in 1934.
Her loss is mourned by a
nephew, Byron Scott, Tacoma,
nieces Mrs. Helen Fleischer,* Mrs.
Marie Jaeger, Mrs. Marian Har-
baugh, Seattle, Mrs. May Schroe-
der and Mrs. June Christian, Los
Dash Point Parish
To Sponsor Outing
DASH POINT. -- Parishioners
of St. Teresa parish announce a
picnic for July 13, at Salt Water
Park and friends of the parish as
well as parishioners are urged to
reserve the date. Dinner will be
served at 4 p. m. and the Rev.
Henry Buckman of St. Patrick
Parish, Tacoma, will be the hon-
ored guest.
--Main 1412--
1123 So. Tacoma Ave. Tacoma, Wash.
PageTwa ........ C;THOEIC HORTHWEST- PROGRESS - Friday, June27,]9:47
[. Margaret Shelton
YAKIMA N EWS Weds Leo Kushner
By Mrs. Roy Fountaine--Phone 3061 At St. Paul Church II
YAKIMA.--Miss Margaret Mae
Peter ff T{} Shelton, daughter of Mr. and:
Mrs. Sandy S. Shelton of Yakima
NuptialslnWapat° SAY FIRST MASS IN [became thebrideofLeoKushner,
i son of Mr. and Mrs. John Kushner
I Paul's Church on Wednesday, June
'WAPATO.--Miss Fay Harriett HOME PARISH HERE [ °f Kent at a nupual Mass in st"
Peterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1,18. The double-ring ceremony was
V'iiam Peterson of Yakima be- read by Rex,. Father Thomas J.
came the bride of John L. Trudeau,
son of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Tru-
deau of Wapato at a nuptial Mass
in .St. Peter's Church in Wapato
on. Monday, June 16. The cere-
mony was read by Rev. Father
Peter Ryan.
']pIiss Barbara Hunsberger was
maid of honor and the bridesmaids
wLre Miss Bette Prasch, Mrs. Nor-
man Wyatt, sister of the bride,
Miss Joyce McCoy and Miss Me,
ran. Trudeau. Little Linda Huns-
berger was the flower girl.* Joseph
Favilla was best man and the ush-
s were Henry Sudmeier, John
Lancaster of Spokane, Beriah
Brown and Norman Wyatt of Kan-
-A reception followed in the par-
ish hall. Pouring were Mrs. Mary
Louise Desserault and Mrs.
Charles Chambers. Mrs. Hugh Gen-
d.r0n cut the wedding cake. Serv-
ing were Miss Judy Smithwick,
Mism Mary Jane Trudeau, Miss
Dalhne Trudeau, Miss Mary Fe-
rtile and Miss Joan BaChmier. The
guest book was passed by Mrs.
Glenn Peterson and Mrs. Paul Sut-
pin and her daughter, Joan, had
charge of the gifts. A wedding
breakfast followed in the Donnel-
ly hotel.
. Mr. and Mrs. Trudeau will make
their home in Wapato. Mrs. Tru-
deau is a graduate of Yakima sen-
ior high school and the bride-
groom attended Gonzaga univer-
sity after his graduation from
White Swan high school.
Tom McGinnis Elected
Serra Club President
YAKIMA. -- Tom S. McGinnis
was elected president of the Yaki-
ma Serra club, succeeding Paul C.
Meyer, who was president for the
past six months.
• Other officers named at the brief
business session on Tpesday, June
24, in the Golden Wheel are: First
vlce president and program chair-
man, F. Ken. Courtney; second vice
president, tester J. Schwaegler..
Louise Massong Is
YAIMA.--Ziss Louise Massong,
daughter of Max Massong became
the bride of Guy Pelham Harris,
son of Mrs. Butt L. ttarris of
Yakima at a nuptial Mass in St.
Paul's Church on Saturday, June
21, The double-ring ceremony was
performed by Rev. Father Thomas
J: Pitsch.
:Miss Helen Hazen was maid .of
honor. Other bridal attendants
were Miss Beverly Arndt, Miss
Claire Stanyar, Mrs. Rite Segnan,
and Miss Virginia Aluni of Min-
neapolis. Little Sarita Coffin was
flower girl.
The best man 'was Jack Arndt
and the ushers were Hal Hamper,
Harvey Warninger, and Fred and
George Massong, 'brothers of the
A reception followed in the Wo-
man's Century clubhouse. Mr. and
Mrs: Harris left by plane for Spo-
l;ane. After a honeymoon at Lake
Louise, Alta., they will return to
make their home in Yakima.
Maxine Simpkins Is
Bride Of E. Tomisser
YAKIMA.--Miss Maxine Simp-
kins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F.
J. Simpkins became the bride of
Edward Tomisser, son of Mrs.
Anna. Tomisser of Yakima, at a
nutial Mass in St. Paul Church on
Saturday. The double-ring cere-
mony was performed by Rev. The-
odore P. Sullivan.
Mrs. Darrel Robertson was ma-
tron of honor and Mr. Darrel Rob-
ertson was the best man. Ushers
W.e:Everett Simpkins and Rob-
ert Tomisser.
A reception was held in the
• Broadway Grange Hall. Mrs. Frank
Tomisser and Mrs. Grant Phiefer
poured and Mrs. Jack Barker cut
the wedding cake. Mrs. Charles
Tomisser and Mrs. Jack Agopso-
wicz had charge of the guest book:
Friends and relatives attended a
wedding dance in the evening at
the grange all. .Following a
honeymoon trip to Oregon the
couple will reside in Yakima.
Gregory Q. Roth
Phone 4013
508 :No. 6th St. Y
BENOIT'S Sea Foods
Phone 9551 yaklma
If It's Fish We Have It
YAICIMA Y'ne Rev. William N.
Bischoff, S.J., who was ordained
June 16 by Archbishop Mitty in
San Francisco, will say his first
solemn Mass in his home parish,
St. Joseph Church here, at 11 a.m.
Sunday, June 29.
Father Bischoff was born in
Yakima and was educated by the
Sisters of Charity of Providence
and the Jesuit Fathers at Mar-
quette grade and high school. In
1933 he entered the Society/ of
Jesus at the novitiate of St. Fran-
cis Xavier in Sheridan, Oregon. He
received his M.A. degree from
Mount St. Michael, 'Spokane, in
1940. During 1940-42 he was in-
structor in history at Gonzaa
He matriculated at Loyala Uni-
versity as , graduate fellow in
history in 1942, and did extensive
research work at St. Louis Uni-
versity, Yale, and the National
Archives, Washington, D. C.
:Father Bischoff is a member of
Delta Epsilon Sigma, the National
Catholic Honor Society, and ,an
honorary member of the Eugene
Field society, a national associa-
tion of authors and journalists.
Father Bischoff's "The" Jesuits in
Old Oregon," a work on a hitherto
unwritten phase of Northwest his-
tory, was published in 1945. He has
contributed ,also to various na-
tional and regional periodicals.
Many relatives of Father: Bis-
chaff, including his mother, Mrs.
Mary Bischoff of Yakima, attend-
ed the ordination ceremony. A
brother, the Rev. A. AnthonY Bis-
Miss Theresa Shelton, sister of
the bride, was maid of honor.
Bridesmaids were Miss Shirley
Shelton and Mrs. tester Robel
sisters of the bride and Mrs. Tony
.Skya, sister of the groom.
The best man was Georeg Kush-
ner, brother of the bridegroom.
The ushers were Tony Skya, Les-
ter Robel and Don Durbon.
A reception and dinner were held
at Gasperaetti's for relatives and
friends. Mrs. J. A. Cloyd served
the three-tiered wedding cake. Out
lot town guests were Mrand Mrs.
John • Kushner of Kent, Mr. and
Mrs. George Kushner of Portland
and Mr. and Mrs. John Skya of
The bride is .a graduate of St.
Joseph Academy and also grad-
uate of St. Elizabeth's school of
Nursing. The bridegroom attend-
ed W. S. C. and at present is the
pharmacist in S t. Elizabeth's hos-
After a honeymoon to Lake
Louise, Alta., Mr. and Mrs. Kush-
ner will reside in Yakima.
Twins Wed Brothers
In Double Ceremony
YAKL-A--T'he twin daughters
of Mrs. Esther La Cross of Yaki-
ma became the brides of brothers
,at a double wedding ceremony in
St. Paul's Church. Miss Estelle
Gardiner became the bride of Don-
ald A.man, and her sister Elna be-
came the bride of Melvin Amen.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Amen are
the parents of .the brothers. Rev.
Father Thomas A. Edwards read
the nuptial Mass. !
The brides chose identical gowns i
of white slipper satin with finger-I
tip veils that fell from sweet- I
heart crowns. Each carried a:
colonial shower bouquet of roses
surrounded by sweetpeas ahd baby
breath. Miss Glennys Montgomery
and Miss Patricia Sanders were
maids of honor in identical blue
net dresses with sweetheart bon-
nets. Bridesmaids were Miss Dana
Knopp and Miss Elsie Day. Miss
Kathy Knopp was the flower girl.
W'illiam Andering and Robert
Pothier were best men and the
ushers were Leslie Morin and
Chris Aman.
A reception and dance were held
on Saturday night in the Fruit-
vale grange hall.
chaff, S.J., was unable to come I !! l , /
from England where he is doing I,Uella Latenaresse
research at Oxford University. 11r / A it v |" /
Assisting Father Bischoff at I .eos/IU a. ravllcg
the Mass will be the Rev. Ralph ----
V. Sudmeier, S.J., master of cere-I YAKIMA.--Miss Luella Laten--
drease, daughter of Mr and Mrs
nonies; Rev. Francis Lindekugel, -: .
~ --,-, --:^-, ,^.. -.-- IFrank. Latendresse became the
.d., asslttztc pz*uc; 'v. r-,uwv.xu I
.............. }bride of Anthony J Pavlick, son
inueKugel, 5.J., oeacon, a,u .uv.
John C. Hanses, S.J., subdeacon.
The Rev. Joseph McDonnell, S.J.,
of Gonzaga will deliver the
Births At Yakima
}of Mrs. John Pavlick of Yakima at
a nuptial Mass in St. Joseph
Church on Monday, June 16. The
double-ring ceremony was read by[
Rev. Father Francis J. Schoen-[
berg, S.J. " I
Maid of honor was Miss Julianna I
Pavlick, sister of the bridegroom.
Miss Betty Latendresse, sister of
the bride, was ,bridesmaid. Ray ]
T. Latendresse, brother of the I
bride, was the best man. Vern
2hartier also attended the bride-
groom. Stanley Garceau and Nor-
man Cyr, Jr., were ushers.
FOllowing the ceremony, a wed-
ding breakfast was held in the
Donnelly hotel for the attendants
and members of the immediate
families. Miss Lucille Latendresse,
sister of the bride, cut the wedding
cake, while Mrs. Ray Latendresse
had charge of the guest book. Af-
ter a short wedding trip to Idaho,
the couple will make their home
in Yakima.
YAKIMA. -- St. Elizabeth's hos-
pital announces the following
To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greer,
a girl, June 17.
To Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Fowler,
a girl, June 18.
To Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kohls, !
a boy, June 18.
To Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. For-
tier, a girl, June 18.
To Mr. and Mrs. James Spears,
a boy, June 18.
To Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Schaefer
a boy, June 19.
To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maser,
a girl, June 20.
To Mr. and Mrs. Halpin Max-
well, a girl, June 22.
To Mr__ and __Mrs John Roller, a John Plnkerton" Heads
oy, une . Fourth Degree g. Of C.
I Jt " " rid ". q YAKY/VIA.--John Pinkerton was
ra[rlcla Denolt 1o elected faithful navigator of the
3iT ] ill IF* "J!Joseph Caruana Assembly of the
.e.r. ITlClklarmlOiFourth Degree of the Knights of
YAK,A _.._ . Columbus at a meeting in the Com-
Benoit aVnn'-n "r" ana^_.rs: yam mercia 1 hotel on Wednesday, June
on ce the ,,, - e d
din of their dauhte - ^*--'--'- * 18. He succ e s George Corbett
o --. ..... :.; ,, =.L,, who presided at this meeting
Freder,u rL ct,armla, son oI
Mrs. O. J. Thompson of San Fran- Other officers elected were
cisco, Cal. The nuptial mass will
take place at 10 o'clock on June 28
in St. Paul's Church.
Miss Benoit is a graduate of St.
Joseph Academy in Yakima and
bas attended both Dominican col-
lege at San Rafael, Cal., and the
University of California at Berk-
eley, where she has been for the
ast two years.
'Do" and "Mose"
George Brock as faithful comptrol
ler, Ernest Rivard as faithful pilot,
Frank Schuler of Ellensburg, as
inner sentinel and Joe Rouleau of
Wapato, outer sentinel.
EVERE2r. -- Miss Jeanetta
Bell of San Francisco arrived in
the city Saturday, to spend a week
v:ith her mother, Mrs. J. E. Bell,
and her sister, Mrs. Eva Reich-
man. Miss Bell had just returned
from the East where she went as
a delegate to the American Insti-
tute of Banking, held in Detroit
early in June. She visited in New
York City, Washington, D. C.,
Chicago and Minneapolis.
Mrs. Rudolph Hartman returned
Saturday from Baltimore, Md.,
where she went to attend the
graduation of her youngest son,
Jehn, from John Hopkins Medical
School. Dr. Hartman has left for
a short holiday in New York be-
:fore returning for his internship
at Johns Hopkins,
One of the:Fourteen Stations of the Cross, cast in pure aluminum
and sculptured for Msgr. Edward J. Flanagan's Boys' Town Church,
near Omaha; Nebr. They were sculptured at the University of Notre
Dame Art Studios by Mrs. Eugene Kormendi, well-known sculptress
and wife of Dr. Eugene K_ormendi, professor of sculpture at the
University. {NC Photos}
By May Smith, Phone 1292-W
George McAIlister Is
K. of C. Grand Knight
WENATCHEE.--Offlcers were
elected at the Knights of Colum-
bus meeting whichwas held on
Monday evening at the parish hall
with grand knight Paul Schmitz
presiding. Chosen were George
McAllister, grand knight; Andy
Matheison, deputy grand knight;
Joe McGaughey, chancellor; Ray
Carson, warden; Chris Miller, in-
side 'guard; Jim Babst, outside
guard; R. Broulett; recorder;
Louie Kill, treasurer; Fred Crol-
lard, Jr., advocate; Paul Schmitz,
trustee. Installation of officers
will be held at the next regular
Aside from the regular business
meeting, H. F. Willett gave a talk
on "Communism" and conditions
in Russia.
Personal and Social
WENATCHE.--Miss Rose Bren-
ner was hostess recently at her
home on Columbia Drive in East
Wenatchee for a-surprise shower
honoring Miss Carol Gahringer.
Mrs. J. M. Smith, of Seattle, is
in XVenatchee visiting with her son
Mel. J. Smith and wife of the
Burke Hill Apts.
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Fairbanks,
and children, David, Gerald, and
Dennis, from Seattle, were the
house guests of Mrs. Fairbank's
mother, Mrs. Louis K. Boyce in the
Skolopia Apts. They spent a week
in Wenatchee.
Katherine Kunkel Is
Bride Of J. L. Trudeau
WENATCHEE.--Miss Katherine
Kunkel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank J. Kunkel of Wenatchee,
was married to J. Lawrence Tru-
deau, son of Mrs. William A. Glas-
son of Spokane.
St. Joseph's CStholic Church
was the scene of the wedding with
Rev. Eugene Duffy offiicating.
The bride, given in marriage by
her father, wore a light blue suit,
with white accessories and a cor-
sage of gardenias and pink roses.
Her sister, Mrs. Herbert Goertz of
Cheney, was her only attendant.
She wore a' grey suit with black
accessories and a corsage of pink
roses. Best man for his brother
was Donald Trudeau of Bremerton.
Following the ceremony, a wed-
ding dinner was served in the
Windsor room of the Columbia
Hotel for relatives of the bride and
groom, in the afternoon a reception
was held at the home of the bride's
The young couple will make their
home" in Spokane.
WENATCHEE. -- During the
month of June, the following la-
d:es took care of the altars of St.
Joseph Catholic Church: Mrs. Joe
Paul, Mrs. J. Prabucki, Mrs. Fred
Monroe and Mrs. LeRoy Beaton.
During the months of July and
August there will be no Altar So-
ciety meetings.
By Kathryn Donegan Phone Red 464"
KNIGHTS TO GIVE I Father Cross Sings
R First Mass At Everett
i EVERETT, SUNDAY' Cross, .O.P. of Everett, cele-
I brated hs hrst solemn Mass Sun
day in the Church of Our Lady
Tacoma News Section
Ethel Hannan Egan, Tacoma Staff Correspondent.
Phone PRoctor 113 !
D,C,C,W, DAY OF Mrs. Delia E. Farley ,ISTS, PETER-PAUL
RECOLLECTION IS Buried From Church I
Of the Sacred Heart[ PARISH TOMARK ..
TACOMA.--More than 50 wom-
en from all cities of Western Dean-
ery attended the first" annual day
of recollection, sponsored by the
Diocesan CounciI of Catholic Wom-
en. The event took p.ace Tues-
day at Visitation Church and the
retreatmaster was the Rev. James
Brennan, S.S., S.J.D., of St. Ed-
;yard Seminary.
Women of Visitation Parish
served breakfast and luncheon to
the retreatants.
Arrangements for the day were
made by Mrs. Robert Bernier, Puy-
allup, deanery chairman of shrines,
Mrs. Stephen Michael, Tacoma,
president Western Deanery, Mrs.
Mark Dolliver, Tacoma, Diocesan
chairman shrines, and the Rev.
Gabriel Donohue, O.S.B., pastor of
Women who made the retreat
F r o m TACOMA, Mesdames
Stephen Michael, Mark Dolliver
Neal Gregory, Cal Kirk, Harry
Naubert, W. H. Harris, M. W.
Marush, O. C. Drumner, F. J. Me-
Laughlin, Catherine Pitzen, Irene
McKenna, Martha "vVilke, R. G.
Chisholm, H. J. Hitchcolt, Clara
Hammersmith, Carl J. Rasmussen
John Hartman, Jr., Jonas Bach-
man, Harry Johnson, John J.
Schneider, J. J. Reuter, Frank J.
Meyer, Frances Ehreth, M. Walen-
tiny, Emina Watson, H. P. Med-
ved, Agnes Clirssten, Mary Burk,
E. J. Turner, Miss Gertrude Her-
From PUYALLLrP : Mesdames
Robert Bernier, Logic Latimer, Ed.
Letourneau, V. L. Cornell.
SUMNER: Mesdames Tony Dor-
necker, C. Nauer, Ann Whitney,
H. I. Magladry, Marcella Hinch-
FIFE: Mrs. Frank W. Fox.
SPANAWAY: Mrs. Harry C.
Harrigan, Mrs. A. F. LaBelle.
Janet Russell, R. L. Don_ham, Rose
N. Burrell, Annie K. Hogan, An-
nie W. Fiugan, Dorothy R. Feller,
H. L. Scholes.
Ralph F. Vanderkinter, and The-
odore Leo Caillier, grandson of
Mrs. Mary Kennedy. The Rev.
Martin Duggan officiated at the
The bride, escorted to the altar
by an uncle, Arno J. Bruemmer of
Yakima, wore a white wool dress-
maker suit, with navy accessories,
and she carried a white prayerbook
with orchid. Mrs. Arthur Haman,
matron of honor, wore a suit of
wood brown shade, with white ac-
cessories. Ralph Vanderkinter, Jr.,
v'as best man for Mr. Caillier.
The wedding .breakfast was at
the Winthrop and an afternoon re-
ception at the home of the bride's
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Caillier left
by plane for a trip to Victoria and
are now at home in Seattle. She
is a graduate of Aquinas Academy,
he of Bellarmine High School.
Lunkley Funeral
From Holy Rosary
TACOMA.--Requiem Mass was
solemnized Thursday at Sacred
Heart Church for Mrs. Delia Ella
Farley, 68, who died Monday at
her home, 4801 A St. Mrs. Far-
ley was a native of St. Paul and
i had lived in Tacoma 58 years. She
was a devout Catholic, a loyal
member of her parish and a devot-
ed worker in Sacred Heart Altar
Her loss is mourned by four
daughters, Mrs. Delia Thaden, Mrs.
Agnes Seiwerath, Mrs. Stella
Thaden and Mrs. Mary Brown;
four sons, William, Bernard, Clair
and Paul; a sister, Miss Mary
Clarey and 19 grandchildren, all
of Tacoma.
Bernice C. Brewitt
Becomes The Bride
Lawrence M. Carino
TACOMA. -- At nuptial mass
Saturday in St. Patrick Church,
Miss Bernice Claire Brewitt be-
came the bride of Lawrence Mi-I
chael Carino, t he Rev. Henryl
Buckman officiating. She is the t
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Joseph[
A. Brewitt, he the §on of Mr.
and Mrs. Raced John Carino.
Dr. Brewit[ escorted his daugh-
ter to the altar, she waring a
gown of heavy white satin, made
directoire stylle. The full skirt
fell to a short train and the
sleeves, puffed at the shoulders,
were tighly fitted about the
wrists. Her fingertip veil was
fastened to the head by a coro-
net of lace and she carried white
rosebuds, with which was twined
a white rosary, the gift of the
Miss Maudie Boylle, maid of
honor, wore white chiffon, petal
shaped hat of white illusion, and
carried blue stock and white
sweetpeas. The maids, Misses
Joan Neisen, Dorothy MacKenzie,
Doris Erhnat and Edna Lou En-
right, wore blue chiffon and car-
ried pink sweetpeas and white
Richard Salatino was best man
• for the groom.
R,tes At Hal Cross
Y Breakfast was at the New
--- I Yorker and an afternoon recep-
TACOMA Holy Cross Church t n
"-- I io for 300 took place at the
was the scene recently of the wed- Brewitt home The voun counle
ding of Miss Mary Lois Vender ] e " - -
- th n left for Lake George, New
kinter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. York. They will live in New
York city where Mr. Carino is a
law student at Columbia, Univer-
E V E R E T T The Everett of Perpetual Help. He was or-
........ • -- ...... t dained to the Holy Priesthood June
ouncll, ILlgnT.s OI OIU2nDUS, VILa i ............
1 m c 2aarys atneural, an
Bellingham council, will exemplify i co" TACOMA.--George J. Lunkley,
three degrees of knighthood on a Franc s . ...... 59 years old, who died Thursday of
cgmbined class of candidates Sun-[ Assisting atner ross a ms last week, was buried Monday
day, June 29. The initiation will I first_Masswerethe Rev. C. V. when Requiem Mass was offered in
amo u , oI mverett as area Holy Rosary church. Interment
begin at 1 p. m. in Redmefi's hall, ' " "
Everett. The Everett council of- priest; Rev. D. P. McCain, O. P. was in Calvary. Mr. Lunkley was
fleers will give the first degree,
Bellingham the second, and Brem-
erton team the third degree.
The exemplification of the three I
degrees in Eerett is the first in I
a number of years, and the offi-]
cers look forward to a good turn- I
cut. I
Henry W. Berth has been ap- I
pointed chairman of the Everett l
Council picnic committee, and he
is calling a committee meeting for
8 p. m. Monday, June 30 at the
home of Leo McKinnon.
of Roas, California, as deacon, and a native of Iowa but came with his
Rev. P. B. Condon, O• P., also of family to Tacoma when only 2
Ross, as subdeacon. Father Con-lyears of age. He was a veteran
don preached the sermon, lot World War I and belonged to
Born In Aberdeen ihis parish Holy Name Society. His
Father Cross, who is the son of loss is mourned by a sister, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Victor Belie Howland, Buckley.
Cross, was born in Aberdeen. He ----
ttended Our Lady of Perpetual
Help School and was graduated Engagement Made Known
Requiem Mass For
George Mutschler
TACOMA.--Mr. and Mrs. L. C.
.ussell announce the engagement
of their daughter, Edna Mac, to
John T. Shilley, son of Mr. and
Mrs. John Shilley. The wedding
will be an event of August 9 and
will take place in Holy C r o s s
Miss Russell is a graduate of
Aquinas Academy and of Tacoma
Catholic College and her fiance is
a graduate of Bellarmine.
from Everett High School in 1940.
A reception honoring Father
Cross was held in the parish
house from 2:30 to 4:30 Sunday
by members of the Dominican
Third Order and friends. Mrs.
George Webber was chairman of
the affair and was assisted by
Mesdames Mitchke, Payette,
Scheid, Killien and Paul. Residing
at the tea table were Mrs. Cross,
mother of the honored guest, Mrs.
G. G. Moore and Mrs. William
Dr. Fiorino Receives Honor
EVERETT. -- Dr. John F. Fior-
ino has returned home after sev-
eral weeks in the East. Dr. Fior-
u,o was doing graduate work both
at Harvard and University of Chi-
cago Lying In hospital. He was
awarded special honors by the
Board of Obstretrics and Gynecol-
Pope Plus Receives
Three U. S. Generals
EVERETT. -- Requiem Mass
was offered in Our Lady of Per-
petual Help Church, Saturday, for
George Mutschler of 1331 Broad-
way who died on Sunday follow-
ing a short illness.
Mr. Mutschler was born in Per-
ham, Minn.. May 5, 1881 Surviv-
ing are his widow, Mrs. Gertrude
Mutschler; five daughters, Mrs.
Margaret Stephens of San Anton-
io, Texas; Mrs. Gertrude Sorgen-
frei of Seattle; Mrs. Helen Kenna
of 303 Morgan Road; Doris and
Deloris Mutschler at home; four
sons, Percy of 1432 Oakes Aven-
ue; Russell of 1331 Broadway;
John of Elgin Field, Fla.; and
Donald of Los Angeles, Calif.; a
sister, Mrs. Frank Wilder of Ore-
ville; two brothers, Henry Mutsch-
ler of Portland, Ore., and Martin
Mutschler of New York, and five
TACOMA.--Mrs. Clarles Clo-
herty of Lake Steilacoom surprised
her small son, Patrick Joseph, with
a party Saturday, his fifth birth:
day. Eleven little boys and girls
made up the guest list.
Mrs. Anna Cloherty, the small
boy's grandmother, had a family
dinner in his honor, at her home
on South 9th, on Sunda/. The
Charles Cloherty's have a smaller
boy, Brian Charles.
VATICAN CITY, June 9--(NC) I of the Allied Forces in Austria;
--Three U. S. Army occupation t Brig. Gen.-Thomas Hickey, his
forces leaders were rece:.ved by / chief of staff, and Lt. Gem Clef-
His Holiness Pope Pins XII in[ence Huebner, vice supreme cam-
private audiences, Lt. Gem Geof-I mender of the American Armed
trey Keyes, supreme commander[ Forces in Europe.
Hahn-Enoch Wedding
At St. Leo Church
TACOMA.mNuptial Mass in St. 1
Leo church recently, marked the'
wedding of Miss Reta Hahn,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore
Holm, and Raymond Enoch, Jr.,
son of Mrs. O. L. Forbes, Cape
Girardeau, Mo. The Rev. Louis
Gels, S. J., officiated.
The bride, who walked to the al-
tar with her father, wore a gown
of white satin, with fitted bodice,
long pointed sleeves and full skit
falling to a train. The veil, finger-
tip in length, was caught to a
coronet of pearls, and the bridal
bouquet was of American beauty
Miss Patty Fischer, maid of
honor, was in yellow taffeta, with
a flower arrangement in her hair.
She carried blue iris and pink rose-
buds. The maids, Miss Audrey
Bacher and Miss Dolores Gibson,
were in pink nylon sheer and pale
blue jersey. Both had flowers in
their hair and carried roses and
carnations. James Woodall was
best man for the groom.
Breakfast was at the New York-
er, a dinner was served at the
Hahn home and an evening recep-
tion held at the Crescent hall. The
couple then left for a trip and have
now "one to Missouri to make
their home. She is a graduate of
St. Leo High School, he served in
the South Pacific on the U. S. Vel-
la _Gulf, a Tacoma built ship and
was discharged in January 1946.
St. Martin Mothers'
Club Enjoys Outing
TACOMA--Members of St. Mar-
tin's Mothers' CJub enjoyed their
annual summer outing at the home
of Mrs. Thomas Mellon, American
Lake South, on Thursday. A pot
luck luncheon was served at noon
and the afternoon spent in play-
ing games.
TACOMA.--Sts. Peter and Pail
Parish will mark the feast of the
two great apostles, St. Peter and
St. Paul, wilx special solemnity
on Sunday. The patronal feast
of the parish w-ill be an occasion
of rejoicing for the parishioners.
There will be Masses at 7, 8
and 10:30, the last to be a sol-
emn high Mass xe Rev. Henry
Rocsycki, O.S:B., pastor w'll be
celebrant, the Rev. Philip Began,
O.S.B., of St. Martin's College,
wil,be deacon, the Rev. Richard
Cebula, O.S.B., also of St. Mar-
tins, will be Sub-deacon. Father
Began will deliver the sermon and
the music will be March's Jubilee
Mass, Tozer's Proper and select-
ed litugical motets, by the sen-
or choir, directed by Mrs. Frank
Sts. Peter and Paul Post of the
Catholic War Veterans will meet
Tuesday evening in the parish
TACOMA--Tom Gould wa in-
stalled as president by Cardinal
Club meeting Frida: :n K. C. hall.
Other officers are Jean Hafsos,
vice president; John Jackowski,
treas.; Florence Goralski, histor-
ian; D o n Gallagher, sgt.-at-
arms; Jack Mciqa:_ara, program
chairman; Jim Rogers, junior past
Betty O'Toole, Florence Garal-
ski and Bob McDonoag=x were ap-
pointed to review and suggest im-
provements for the constitution.
John Finnegan was appointed
chairman of the cruise committee.
Announceznent was made that
Cardinal Club of. Tacoma and
Chancellor Club, of Seattle will
hold a joint picnic, August 10, at
Shadow Lake near Knt.
A large group of Cardinal Club
members will go to Columbus
Park, Black Lake, near Olympia,
Sunday, to attend the Ki Yu
Club's annual outing.
Henriots Mark 25th
Wedding Anniversary
TACOMA--Mr. and Mrs. Cleo
Henriot of North Prospect St. had
open house, Sunday, to mark the
25th anniversary of their wedding.
A large mtmber of friends called
during the afternoon to felicitate
the couple.
Cleo Henriot and Miss Elizabeth
McBride were married in st. Jos-
eph Church, Seattle, and made
their home for many years in Che-
halls, coming to Tacoma a decade
ago. The couple have five child-
ren, Jack Henriot, who saw service
in Europe during World War II
and was wounded, .and is now at
University of Washington, Betty,
also at the University, James, Se-
attle College student, Jeanne
Marie, at Aquinas, and Peter, in
St. Patrick Parish school.
Mrs. Scott Is Buried
From St. Leo Church
TACOMA--Funeral services for
Mrs. Sarah Agnes Scott, who died
Tuesday af last week, took place
Monday from St. Leo Church @
with requiem Mass.
Mrs. Scott, widow of David C.
Scott, Tacoma financier, formerly
lived at Gravelly Lake but had
lately made her home at the Win-
throp. She was a native of Boston
and lived in Tacoma since 1910. |
Her husband passed away in 1934.
Her loss is mourned by a
nephew, Byron Scott, Tacoma,
nieces Mrs. Helen Fleischer,* Mrs.
Marie Jaeger, Mrs. Marian Har-
baugh, Seattle, Mrs. May Schroe-
der and Mrs. June Christian, Los
Dash Point Parish
To Sponsor Outing
DASH POINT. -- Parishioners
of St. Teresa parish announce a
picnic for July 13, at Salt Water
Park and friends of the parish as
well as parishioners are urged to
reserve the date. Dinner will be
served at 4 p. m. and the Rev.
Henry Buckman of St. Patrick
Parish, Tacoma, will be the hon-
ored guest.
--Main 1412--
1123 So. Tacoma Ave. Tacoma, Wash.